Contact Me


Phone: +44 07942 278 455 (079 GAB QUILL)

Working Hours

Currently operating from local time zone: GMT
Please use Time Zone Converter to calculate your local equivalent.
You may input London, UK as my nearest location.

Response Times Policy

We now live in a world where it has become normal to respond to the question "How are you?" with variations on the general theme of "I'm very busy and very tired." Indeed, if you're not seen to be busy, overworked, and exhausted, it can feel like a moral failing. I reject this culture and am actively working to cultivate something different. This includes having strict boundaries around my time and availability.

I am NOT a First Responder, emergency worker, or medical worker. NOTHING in my line of work should constitute an "emergency" that requires me to respond in less than 48 hours.

That being the case, I promise my clients, colleagues, and collaborators two things:

1. I will occasionally consent to 24 hour "on call" periods, which will be agreed in advance and publicly posted as early as possible.

2. I aim and will always strive to return business calls and respond to business messages within 48 hours/2 working days, even if only to acknowledge them and set a deadline by which you can expect a full response. (The exception being when I am on holiday or if I am medically unfit.)

I currently set my own "working hours." These will be posted above a week in advance whenever possible. I will try to have some consistency but they will vary from time to time, so if you are expecting to get hold of me you should check my working hours and adjust your expectations accordingly.

The above phone number and email address are my professional/business ones, and will only be "live" during the "working hours" I have agreed to. The phone I use will be switched off when I am not working or "on call."

I will respond to calls, texts, and emails during "working hours" and not at any other time.

I will have voicemails activated, but will only check them once a week. I prefer not to use voicemail but recognise it is useful or necessary for some people.

The phone this number is attached to is NOT a Smart Phone, and has NO mobile data capabilities. That means no Facebook Messenger, no WhatsApp, no Signal, no Telegram, no Snapchat, etc. Just straight phone-to-phone calls and SMS Text messages. No picture messages either.

If you want to send me a link, a file, a photo, etc. you will need to send it via email.

I will check my work emails regularly during working hours, and again, aim to respond within 48 hours or 2 working days, if only to acknowledge receipt of your message and promise a timeframe within which you can expect a full response.

In the event that it ever becomes impossible for me to respond personally to messages in the promised time frame I will make the reasons for delays public as soon as possible, issue apologies, and work to remedy the situation so that I can fulfil my obligations to clients and colleagues without compromising my work-life balance and personal wellbeing.